I am going to remind you all of the blog post I put up just about a month ago. The title was called Hairy Hair. It was about Garrett deciding to join a competition where he was going to grow his beard out for the whole month of July. Well today is July 26th and the competition has taken an ugly turn. I came to find out today that they have decided to shave early. Sounds like a lucky break for me right? The answer to that question is no. They have decided to shave everything off... everything but the mustache.
**Lets pause for a minute.... Can I just tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY hate mustaches? haha oh god they are awful! I am seriously afraid of them! I think they are a sure sign of a total creeper!**
Okay back to the story, so into the bathroom he went to shave it all off. Its a bitter sweet moment. I am so excited to see his clean checks again. But a little sad to see the side burns and chin hair to go. I have made him keep the chin hair for at least 3 years now. He looks so handsome with it =] I haven't seen him clean shaven since 11h grade. And on top of all that he is now throwing a creeper stash into the mix!
Here is the video to show the end result... be afraid. Thank god his hair grows fast... I cant wait for the good ol gar to be back!