Monday, June 14, 2010

Lessons Learned

A cute friend of mine just got married a few months before Garrett and I did. A couple days ago she posted on her blog some of the funniest things she is learning with being a new housewife. Silly things that you don’t learn until you have the experience. So I am going to steal her idea. Everyone told Garrett and I before we got married that we would learn so many new things about living together and living without our parents once we got our own place. I never really listened to them. I mean how hard can it really be? Lol Well… I guess this is where the whole “You live and you learn” phrase came from. Man have we learned a lot of new things over the past few months. So I thought that I would give you all an update on all the new things I am learning with living on our own!

  • As soon as the words “Don’t spill on the new rug” come out of your mouth… someone will spill on the new rug.
  • If the dishwasher is draining water into the sink, DO NOT turn on the garbage disposal. It will make a real big splash. And if you kitchen is really small like mine, the water will spray across all the kitchen walls.
  • If you husband is cutting up raw chicken and he throws away a couple pieces in the garbage, one of you HAVE to take the trash out that night. If you don’t… you will wake up to your entire kitchen smelling like a rotten dogs butt!
  • Sometimes frozen hamburger patties freeze together. Sometimes when you try to pry them apart with a butter knife they still won’t budge. If you grab an extremely sharp knife and stab the hamburger patties, you can miss. You will probably stab yourself right in the finger and it will bleed really badly!
  • Boys pee different than girls. And if the boy isn’t careful he will make a mess. But the girl usually won’t find the mess until she goes to clean the toilet for the first time. It will be gross, and you may want to puke.
  • Cookies are made to be cooked on cookie sheets. If you try to cook them in a different type of pan they won’t look right. They could even morph into one large extremely thin cookie… and that type of cookie burns really fast!
  • And last but not least my biggest lesson so far! …..Potatoes may look like they stay fresh for a long time. Don’t be fooled. If you put them in your pantry with lots of other food, they will slowly start to smell. And if you don’t know it’s your potatoes that stink, you will probably start to throw away other food that is not bad. Because you don’t know what is making your pantry smell like “something that stinks so badly, when you touch it your hands will stink for an hour” as Garrett puts it. Take my advice… check the potatoes first. Because after 3 weeks in the pantry, when you lift up the bag you will notice that a few of the potatoes are swollen. They will have white puss and they will have some kind of “liquid” dripping off them. It will almost make your husband cry. Gross!!

Everyday is a new lesson for us, and even if most of the lessons end in a huge mess, stinky kitchen, or a cut so bad you can see your fat and mussels hanging out; it is still so much fun learning together! I am loving married life its been a crazy fun adventure! =]

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