Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 27, 28, 29 & 30! Done and Done!

Well I am sick of doing this 30 days thing... haha so I quit! I am getting too bored with it! Its hard to blog about things that your not excited to blog about, especially if you have to do it every day. So call me a quiter if you would like haha but I am done!

On a better note....

I got my first flu shot ever today! No getting sick over the holidays for me! =] Lets see how it works, hopefully I will love it. So far I don't feel sick, but I heard today that when people say they get sick from the flu shot that its a myth. So I am going to stick to that- Mind over matter!
But my arm hurts like a mother, hopefully that's normal!


  1. Thats all she wrote folks! :) You not a quiter! Love ya Lisa!

  2. Hahaha! This was dumb! I mean no one cares what I crave, or wants to see 60 cajillion pictures of me and my friends... lol
