Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 23

Something I crave A LOT!
I have never been a candy or sweets person, they are good from time to time. But I have a special place in my heart and my belly for CARBS! MMMM I cant get enough.....
This brings me to Olive Garden bread sticks and salad! I could eat this everyday for lunch dinner and desert, its so good!

..... aaaannnd more Carbs- Soft Mall Pretzels =] Not the kind you get at sporting events or the movies- those ones are too hard and salty. Mall pretzels (PretzelMaker or Pretzel Time) are soft and have just the right amount of salt and butter. haha as you can tell I am pretty passionate about my pretzels!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 22

What makes me different then everyone else!
Well I cant promise these things will be different than everybody in the whole world, but I think different than most I know :)
  • I am SO scared of scary movies- I can't even watch the TV Commercials, I have to change the channel.
  • I like the smell of hay
  • I cant tell a story without my using hands or making sound effects
  • I never do my makeup the exact same way twice- I have like 25 different eye shadows and I can never remember how to do it the same as the last time.
  • I don't know my favorite color
  • I cut the tags out of all of my clothes, they freak me out!
  • I hate the smell of girl deodorant
  • I sniff everything before I eat it
  • I don't know my real hair color!
  • I am really afraid of swimming with fish- I just know one of them is going to bite me. Or they are going to attract a shark and the shark will eat me! haha

There you go! PS I don't know if i have mentioned this or not- but I think I am ready for this 30 days thing to be over! haha its fun reading everyone elses posts but its hard blogging every single day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 21

A picutre of something that makes me happy!
Align Center

Day 20

Someone I see myself marrying :)
Well, this has been the easiest post so far... Say Hello to Mr. & Mrs. Ford!

I know this sounds silly and totally cheesy but I pretty much knew I was going to marry Garrett since I was 16 years old! We have been two peas in a pod and connected at the hip since day one and I love him so much! More and more everyday =]

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 19

Nicknames I have and why :)
Lis- haha this one should be pretty self explanatory. Just a little short version of my real name. Austin is the main person who calls me this :)
Weeze or Weezer- I literally have no idea where this one came from! I just remember my dad calling me this for as long as I can remember. Haha but my dad comes up with the craziest crap, so there probably is really no explanation behind it! :) And for whatever reason he named Aus Cheeser. So we are weezer and cheeser.
Bubbie- This one is owned entirely by my mom. This was her nickname for me from birth, and she has never stopped using it to this day! The craziest thing is Garrett's mom has also called him this since day 1 too! Weird? I think so!
Babe, Baby, Honey, Manooge- Garrett simultaneously calls me these names plus a million others that I cant think of now. I never actually hear him say Lisa, unless something is wrong! haha I love it!

Day 18

Plans, Dreams, Goals I have :)
When I was a little younger most of my plans, dreams and goals were based around materialistic things. Like winning the lottery, having the biggest house with the nicest cars, and a closet full of designer clothes. But in the past few years my dreams and priority's are based more around family, happiness and good health. .... well and maybe a couple things from the list above! :)
  • Be out of our apartment and into our house by December.
  • Finish most of the basement renovations by spring.
  • Start seriously planning for our retirement and setting up a Roth IRA account
  • Start building a very strong savings for future baby planning :)
  • Get out of Garretts car
  • Start planning for Christmas!
  • Start a new Holiday Tradition for our own little family unit :)


  • Maintain a happy and healthy life until the day Garrett and I both die (I have decided now that Garrett and I will be going out "The Notebook style")
  • Have a little family of 4 by age 27
  • Be able to help out someone in need in a major way
  • Have my kids grow up in the same school system from Kindergarten to Graduation.
  • Travel the world with my family
  • Help our parents retire comfortably one day

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 17

Someone I would want to switch lives with for 1 day and why =]

I would want to switch lives with Jack Jonson. This year he is on tour for his most recent Album. And 100% of his profits are going to charity, he has been doing this for the past 3 ears. I think that is so amazing! Just think of 3 years worth of world tours, imagine how much money that must be. Millions and Millions! I would absolutely LOVE to have the money to just give it all away to people who need it way more than I do. I love the feeling that comes with being able to give to others, I think its one of the best feelings in the world!
Plus who wouldn't want to be a Pro Surfer/ famous singer - who lives in Hawaii and plays the guitar all the time? I would!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 16

Another Picutre of Me :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 15

Put your Ipod on shuffle and name the first 10 songs that play:

Well I don't have an Ipod... I don't do so hot with electronics. I had one once, but I broke it! haha
But I love Pandora (if you haven't heard of this you need to get it!!) and I listen to it all the time, So I am going to put that on and see the first 10 songs that come up in my playlist shuffle! =]

1. "Come Away With Me" Norah Jones
2. "Big Green Tractor" Jason Aldean
3. "Give Me That Girl" Joe Nicholes
4. "American Honey" Lady Antebellum
5. "Lucky" Colbie Caillat & Jason Maraz
6. " Angel/ Better Together" Live Version Jack Johnson
7. " My Best Friend" Tim McGraw
8. " Tonight I Wanna Cry" Keith Urban
9. "Break Away" Staind
10. " You're My Better Half" Keith Urban

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Fall is almost here! Usually around this time of year I get really bummed out that summer is over. But not this year! I am so excited for Fall ! Its such a beautiful time of the year! Maybe its just because we have our own home (eehhh... apartment- but we can just pretend!) now, but I am so obsessed with fall decorations!
Fall brings so many other wonderful things :
Leafs changing colors!
Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pumpkin Bread ( Do you see a theme here? haha)
Autumn Sunset Sentsey
Adorable Fall / Halloween themed Decorations
Cuddling under fuzzy blankets
Carving Pumpkins
70 Degree weather!
I hope you are all excited for fall too!
Tonight I got an add From Michaels in the mail and was sucked in....
And found this cute little Gem! I was so excited to run home and put up my first decoration! Hopefully I can take it down soon... and can put it back up again at our new house!

Day 14

Pitures of my family and I! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 13

A letter to someone who has hurt me recently.

Well I haven't really been hurt lately, luckily I have wraped myself with some pretty amazing people and don't have to deal with a whole lot drama! So I am going to take this one a Little differently, I am going to write a letter to someone who has hurt me in a different kinda way. Ha!

Dear Garrett Ford,

Why can't you let me sleep at night? Why do you love to keep me up with all of the crazy noises and movements you make all night long? I understand that you are a very heavy sleeper, and sometimes you don't have control over your dreams and body movements- but if you slap or punch me in your sleep one more time I promise I will kick you in your face!
I will see you again tonight, you have been warned!
Love, your sleep deprived wife

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 12

How I found out about blogs and why I made one.
Well up until about a year ago I literally had no idea what a blog was! I always heard people talking about them but wasn't very interested in finding out what they really were. And then one day I was going through my Internet favorites list at my parents house trying to delete some useless links. When I came across a link to my best friend's sister's (basically my sister from another mister ha!) Blog. And then I saw her blog friends list and found blogs for so may people I know, from that point I was hooked! I wanted to make one right then and there! But just a couple days Garrett proposed to me and it was a whirlwind for the next 7 months and I never had time to make one. But I here I am now! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 11

A Picutre of my friends and I -
Me and my favorite husband friend!!
Haha We are such dorks together!

Me and My favorite Girls!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 10

Songs I listen to when I am Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Well I pretty much listen to country 95% of the time and I think there is a different country song to cover each of these emotions!
Happy: This is probably the one category I can say something besides country! I think my favorite happy time song is "Better Together" from Jack Johnson!
Sad: "What hurts the most" from Rascal Flatts - it reminds me of when Garrett was in the hospital.
Bored: haha I literally have no idea what to put here. I don't think there is anything in particular that I listen to when I am bored!
Hyped: Jason Aldean "My kind of Party"
Mad: I think anything works for this one... just any song I can turn up really loud and scream my little heart out to! haha

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 9

Something I am proud of in the past few days and why...
Well I would have to say I am pretty proud of Garrett and I in the past little while for putting an offer in on a house. We have both been working so hard for a long time saving for this! And I am so exited we are finally at a place in our lives where we can do this!
So there you have it! I don't think I am very good at bragging about myself so I kinda suck at this one!
Haha I will do better tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 8

Short Term Goals for this month....
  • Make some serious progress with the offer on our House!
  • Whiten my teeth
  • Complete this 30 day challenge- its been harder to keep up on than I thought!
  • Come up with a new recipe to cook for dinner
  • Go visit and take care of my Cute Great Grandma & Grandpa Dolar at least 2 times a week.I have been slacking with this lately!
  • Get into the fall season with some fun Autumn and Halloween decorations!

I will let you know next month how I did with my list!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 7

A Picture of Someone/ Something that has the biggest impact on me!

Well this one has been the easiest post so far! My family is 100% the biggest and most important part of my life. They have shaped me and made me who I am today. My parents have shown me more love and guidance than anyone could ever ask for in a lifetime! And Austin has been my right hand man since day one, my partner in crime! He has been the best little buddy! And my loving husband Garrett has been the most amazing best friend for the past 5 years! We have grown up together and he is such a big part of me, and who I am today!

So I can say undoubtedly that these amazing 4 people have the biggest and most awesome impact on my life! And I love them more an more every day for it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 6

My Favorite Super Hero and why.

Well... to be 100% honest with you I don't really know any super heroes. Well except for the ones that everyone knows - that movies are about, spider man, superman, bat man. But I don't like any of them. They all wear stupid skin tight out fits and masks... definitely not manly!

So what do I do when I don't know much about something? I google. So for the last 10 minutes I have been google-ing superheros. And this is what I found out: Comic book super heroes are Lame.

So heroes to a Real Life Super Hero!

This is my cousin Charlie. He is a soldier stationed in Afghanistan. This spring he had to leave his beautiful wife and sweet baby boy to serve our nation. Every day he is putting his life at on the line to protect ours. I don't watch too many super hero movies but I guarantee my super hero could kick the ass of any of those stupid tight wearing Sissy's!

God bless Charlie, Tiff, and baby Chase & and every other super hero serving our loved ones today!

I love you Chuck... come home safe :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day Six

Places I have been! I have been so blessed in my life and have been able to travel to so many amazing places! Here are a few of my favorite that I have been too! =]

Paris... haha just kidding! I wish!
Vegas this summer with friends!

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico - Such a beautiful place!

Maui! One of my favorite places in the whole world!

Cabo! My first big vacation without my family.

Well that's a lie actually, just went with my adopted family! Thanks Domingos =]

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 4

A habit I wish I didn't have...
Anxiety over everything! I have always envied people who can make decisions on a whim or live with no reservations in life. People who can just go any where and do anything at the drop of a hat. I am usually the complete opposite of that. I am the girl who always have to have a plan. I cant make any major decision without weeks of thought. I sometimes get so caught up in little decisions in life. I wish sometimes I could focus more on the big picture, and not stress about the little things so much!
Haha and it just so happens to be that Garrett is a total free spirit . I guess that's why they say opposites attract. I think this is why we work so well together! When I get too worked up in life, he is always there to bring me peace, and when he wants to run out and make crazy big decisions I am there to help us think throughout the process!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 3

Pictures of friends and me! :)

Me and good old Garry!
Girl Friends at the Wedding!

Us and our Favorite Couple!

My boys and 1 :)

My Favorite Ladies!

I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and family in my life! I love each and all of you more than you will ever know! You make my life such a fun and exciting adventure! =]

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 2

Meaning behind my blog name, Crazy Love
[krey-zee] [luhv]
When Garrett and I got Married instead of having a guest book, we had a scrapbook full of pictures of us that guests could sign. I filled the pages with engagement pictures, stickers and cute embellishments. One of the embellishments was a cute little box that said "Crazy Love."
I remember as soon as I saw it I fell in love with the phrase!
It describes exactly what our love is-
Its a fly by the seat of your pants kinda Love
A laugh so hard you cry kinda Love
An kissing every 5 minutes kinda Love
A completely- Crazy love!
So when I started this , I thought back on that scrapbook and knew exactly what I wanted to name my blog!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

30 Days - 30 Updates

So I have seen this post on a lot of peoples blogs lately, and you all know I am a blogger copy cat (j/k) I am going to give it a shot! Here's how it works- every day for 30 days in a row I will do a new post according to the questions below. It will be fun, you should try it too!

Here are the Daily Posts:

Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 5- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 6 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 9 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?

Okay- here I go...

Day 1. 15 Facts about me

1. I have a phobia of Cotton. I cant touch cotton balls, q tips that are too Cotton-ey, or even blankets that are have a serious Cotton feeling. If you chase me with it, I will run. I am getting chills and hot flashes thinking about it.
2. My biggest dream in life is to be a mommy!
3. I think about winning the lottery at least a couple times a week, for some reason its always in the back of my mind.
4. I get buyers anxiety over every purchase, even candy bars.
5. I have to give Garrett a kiss every morning before getting out of bed or I feel like my entire day will be off.
6. I have a serious shoe addiction-Pumps, Flats, Wedges, Sandals, Flip-Flops, Sneakers, Boots- I love them all.
7.I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen and the appliance in it.
8. I married my first real boyfriend, and have absolutely no regret of not dating around before marriage.
9. My favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie- it makes me want to be a better person.
10. My favorite scent is Hay after it has rained.
11. My first dog will be a golden retriever, his name will be Moses.
12. I have 1 tattoo and plan to get many more.
13. I love to sneeze.
14. I don't Crave chocolate or sweet things, I crave salty things like pretzels and crackers.
15. I miss my wedding dress very much, sometimes I want to get it out and just wear it around the house! haha

Monday, September 6, 2010

Smoking Mommy

I have no idea why this effected/bugged me so badly but for some reason it did, so I am going to share. Yesterday Garrett and I were out and about when I saw this cute pregnant girl with the cutest baby belly! Then we saw her boyfriend or husband walk up and I could have sworn I saw him smoking a cigarette right next to her. I don't know why it freaked me out so bad but it did! I was thinking how selfish can he be?! And then suddenly Garrett did a little gasp under his breath and I looked back over at them again. And the man had handed her his cigarette and she started smoking it herself! I immediately got a sick feeling in my belly. There are so many couples out there that try and try for years to have a baby and cant! I think it is disgusting that someone could take such a beautiful gift for granted! Its one thing if you want to smoke on your own and kill yourself slowly, but that poor little baby has no choice in this situation! I don't even know this little family and I wanted to cry for the little baby! I can only hope and pray that that little baby makes it out into this world happy and healthy....

That's all for today.

Home Sweet Home

Garrett and I decided a couple months ago that we are ready to get into the house hunting market. So exciting! The time is right, we are both in stable jobs and its definitely a buyers market. So we went out and found a real estate agent and mortgage broker and officially started the hunt about a month ago! I never knew how fun/scary/exciting/stressful/hard it was going to be. We have been having so much fun searching for our perfect house! We were looking for a few weeks but just couldn't find anything we could picture ourselves or our future family in. And then we found the "perfect" one! So we have put an offer in on it!! (I was craping my pants for sure!)

Now we are just waiting to hear back from the bank on our offer. So lets pray this does not take FOREVER! I am in love with this house and I have honestly dreamed about decorating it every night since we put the offer in! I know this sounds kinda weird but I cant wait for all the work- the yard work, the cleaning, and decorating! I want to plant cute flowers and have a garden!

I will keep you updated!